Manage your Pipeline Efficiently

Create multiple and fully-customizable pipelines, monitor your team’s progress, and take deals to the finish line with Clovecrm.

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Holistic 360-degree View On Prospects


View all your active lead/deals in their respective pipeline stages


Access the right CRM data with filters and Smart Lists


Create custom fields unique to your small business


Customized pipeline stages based on your business requirements


Take action quickly on promising deals based on their stages


Multiple pipelines on deals for different products and services


Track the progress of all your leads and deals

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Multiple Pipelines with Customizable Stages

Create different pipelines for different teams, products and business units. Nurture clients for multiple products and track the progress at one single place.

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Timely Guidance For Your Team’s Success

Help your sales team understand the important actions, key data-points and sales cues to look at. Also, understand why a deal was lost and the un-qualification reasons.

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Better Visibility Into The Pipeline

Organize sales opportunities visually and intuitively. Get all key information on your leads and deals at a glance with Clovecrm pipeline view.

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Activity Management

Gain a 360 degree view of all your important activities like tasks, calls, and events.

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Improve Sales Efficiency

Identify the stages where your lead sits idle or churns. Recognize all the possible reasons for it and solve them accordingly.

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Predict Business Revenue

Basis the total value of your deals and conversion rates, forecast the revenue for the week or month in ballpark figures.

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Better understanding of the sales process

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More efficient and effective implementation of sales strategy

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Insights on leads and deals.

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Close deals in lesser time with lesser effort for lesser money

Frequently Asked Questions

Sales pipeline can be defined as a visual representation of your lead/deals journey. Think of it as a series of steps that you need to take to push sales forward and close like a pro. It helps you track where each customer is - not just in the pipeline, but also in their decision making process, helping you gain insights on what is needed to get them to close.

  • Automatically capture leads and convert leads into deal and contacts.
  • Fully customizable pipeline to cater to your unique needs.
  • Track progress of leads and deals with the help of pipeline stages.

Pipeline Management in Clovecrm is built into its monthly cost INR 12,999/mo if billed annually.

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