Convert Leads Into Loyal Customers With Clovecrm

Track your leads from click to conversion using Clovecrm. Capture leads from various sources, track their touchpoints, identify which ones to prioritize and engage with prospective clients better.

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Organize Leads & Prioritize Opportunities


Assign leads automatically to the team.


Convert leads into deals and contacts.


Get notified when a lead needs attention.


Import your leads in bulk from spreadsheets.


Nurture high intent Leads with timely follow-ups.


Track your leads through different stages of their buying
journey using pipeline.


Get History Feed to track activities and work done on a lead


Capture leads from web form and 3rd party apps like
Google, Facebook, IndiaMart, TradeIndia, Justdial etc.


Enagage with leads across multiple touchpoints using
telephony, email, Whatsapp and SMS.


Analyze and track key information on leads.


Upload and download all relevant documents associated
with a lead.


Get Records of Duplicate Leads

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Custom Fields

Smart Filters

Sales Pipeline



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Web Form

Create embeddable webforms for your website and turn every new visitor into a lead.

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Leads From Facebook and Google

Capture leads generated via Facebook and Google ads automatically in Clovecrm.

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Leads From Trade Inquiries

Capture trade inquiries from 3rd party apps like Justdial, TradeIndia and IndiaMart.

Assign Leads Automatically

Route leads automatically to your sales reps using round-robin queues. Ensure all leads are assigned and nothing falls through the cracks.

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Nurture Leads

Continually demonstrate the value proposition of your products/ services. Help your sales team enagage with prospective customers, at different points in their buying journey, through various media, including:

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Convert Leads

Transform your lead to a probable business opportunity (deal) or a contact who may bring business opportunity in the future or a company, in case of account-based marketing.

Convert Leads to Deals

Convert your lead into a deal once it is identified as a qualified sales prospect.

Convert Leads to Contacts

Qualify your lead as a contact. Engage with multiple contacts in a company and increase your chances of closing.

Conversion Mapping

You can now define which fields to map while converting a lead to a deal, contact, or company. With this new feature, you will be able to transfer all the relevant information to specific fields at the time of converting the lead.

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Benefits of Lead Management

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Automated lead assignment

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Helps track lead’s journey seamlessly

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Makes it easier to prioritize leads

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Helps you get meaningful insights on leads

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Increases sales team productivity

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Increases conversion rates

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Helps close deals faster

Frequently Asked Questions

Every lead is a prospective customer for a business, and managing these leads well is crucial for scaling your revenue and profitability.

Efficient lead management helps you get the maximum value out of every incoming lead and boosts the speed of your sales cycle. It ensures that you do not miss out on any potential sales, which is especially necessary for growing businesses. SMBs can benefit the most from lead management as it allows them to:

Tap into every potential sales opportunity

Understand the pain points and requirements better of their leads better

Cater their offerings to align with these requirements, and increase the chance of making a sale

Identify the top sources through which leads are generated

Have a more targeted approach towards marketing

Lead management is the primary step towards acquiring sales. It is a complex process due to the large number of leads involved, and the numerous aspects that need to be tracked for every incoming need. Human errors are bound to occur if this entire process has to be manually performed, and these errors can reduce its effectiveness. Small businesses hence need robust software in place.

Lead management software can automatically capture leads coming in from various sources and add them to the top of your sales funnel. It can track the journey of all leads, and help you identify the stages at which your leads convert to sales. Lead management software helps you create a centralized database with all your lead information, which can be leveraged for data-driven insights on the pain points, requirements, budget etc. of your leads.

Deal management for small businesses is vital to ensure a steady flow of sales. It helps in tracking and analyzing all deals, which is crucial for closing sales and providing a good customer experience. Both these aspects are very important for small businesses, since they do not have the luxury of letting any deal slip by due to mismanagement.

Deal management is a very complex process. If this had to be done manually, it would take up a lot of time and cause inefficiencies. Instead, a deal management system will help small businesses effectively track their deals. With such a system in place, SMB’s can benefit in several ways:

Some of the most important features present in lead management software are:

Lead Capturing, so that you get every important information on a prospective client.

Lead Scoring to identify the hot leads and direct more resources towards them.

Lead Segmentation, through which you can group leads based on campaign source, requirement, location, etc.

Auto-routing of Leads, so that the right leads are assigned to the right salesperson

Features like email nurturing, automated communication etc., so you can set up timely and relevant communications with your leads

Data Analytics, through which data-driven and informed business decisions can be made

The Lead Management process in Clovecrm starts right when a lead places an inquiry your product and services. Clovecrm auto-captures every inquiry coming from different sources directly into its database. You can then efficiently filter these leads on the basis of campaign source, requirement, locations etc. These filtrations will help you segment your customers, understand their requirements on a deeper level, and thereby provide a personalized experience. Clovecrm also ensures that your teams are working in the right direction by identifying duplicate leads in your system, which would otherwise clutter your sales funnel.

The incoming leads can be automatically routed to right sales team members- based on products, locations and campaign source- to eliminate any kind of delays. You can map every lead’s progress on customizable pipelines and gain deeper insights into their interaction with your brand.

Any client who expresses interest in your products or services is a lead. Such clients have not had any communication with your business previously. They are pre-qualified, so there is no guarantee that their requirements match your offerings.

Deals on the other hand are qualified contacts who have very high chances of buying from your business. They usually need immediate attention and can add monetary value to your business. Not only this but ongoing transactions you are pursuing with a person or organization can also be tracked as a deal.

A lead refers to any inquiry or request that comes to a business. So, basically any lead that expresses interest in your products or services can be referred to as a lead. There has been no communication established yet with such enquiries and there is no guarantee that their demands are aligned with the products you are offering.

Contacts, on the other hand, are leads that have been qualified as a potential customer. Unlike, leads, contacts can have purchase history with your business. You can have multiple contacts from one organization, and you can nurture these contacts simultaneously in Clovecrm.

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