Boost Your Field Sales Efficiency with Clovecrm

Empower your field force to ace their daily meetings and close more deals with Clovecrm. Help them stay organized, focused, and a step ahead in the game.

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Transform your Sales Process in Minutes!

Managing a field sales team spread across the city or region can be challenging. You need to coordinate schedules, track the status of their meetings, and monitor data accuracy, all while ensuring your team has more face time with customers. With Clovecrm, you can simplify your field sales process, automate repetitive tasks, and boost your team's overall productivity

Make Attendance Tracking Easy

No more errors or time-consuming scrums. With Clovecrm, your field executives can easily mark themselves as ‘Available’ or ‘Unavailable’ at the start and end of the day from anywhere."

Track attendance through clock-in and clock-out systems.

Monitor working hours via timestamps.

Ensure transparency in attendance records with location tagging.

Improve daily planning by understanding where each team member is working.

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Get More Visibility into Your Team’s Day

Easily get all the details you need about each meeting- how long did it last, where did it happen, and what to do next- all without having to call your team. Use this info to help your sales team plan the next steps and close more deals!

Schedule visits and streamline daily tasks for your team effortlessly.

Confirm client visits with geo-check-ins and check-outs.

Get deeper insights into what happened during the meeting with meeting notes and logs including duration and meeting status.

Simplify notetaking and document uploads for the team.

Stay Connected with Your Field Workforce

Know where your field agents are at all times. Seamlessly track their current location and get an overview of their entire day on map!

Get live update on your team’s movement.

Review your team’s daily activities accurately.

Get analytics on the total distance traveled, number of meetings attended and area covered during the day!

Improve daily planning by understanding where each team member is working.

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Help Your Sales Team Close More Deals On-the-Go

Enable your sales reps to easily access all customers and prospect-related information while they are on the field. Help them stay on top of meetings and tasks so that they are always ahead in the game.

Help your team create new leads and deals effortlessly, even while on the move.

Automate lead allocation by pin code for field agents.

Facilitate quick client communication and CRM sync.

Help your team to access all the client data and communicate with them with just one click.

Get notification on tasks aligned, leads assigned etc., for timely action.

Seamlessly Monitor Your Field Sales Team’s Performance

Never stay in the dark about what's happening on the ground in real time. With Clovecrm, you can gain instant insights and accurate data to track your team's performance make smarter decisions effortlessly.

Easily monitor assigned, missed and completed tasks.

Identify weekly and monthly top performers by revenue, meetings and closed accounts.

Track average time spent per task by your field force.

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Benefits Of Clovecrm Field Sales Management

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Stay updated with your field team's activities, understanding their movements and tasks as they happen.

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Gain valuable insights into the distances traveled by each team member.

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Journey Visualization

Replay your salesperson’s routes for a given date range for a detailed activity analysis.

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Detailed Timeline Review

Review the timeline of your field team members to know where they have been and what they have been doing.

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Smart Customer Visits

Efficiently assign visits based on employee proximity to enhance service response times.

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Geo- based Attendance

Track your team’s attendance and get data like location & working hours.

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Comprehensive Customer Database

Centralize customer details for easy access and management.

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Get Instant Feedback on meetings

Stay updated on the feedback of every meeting.

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Visual Dashboard

Monitor and manage field activities via a centralized dashboard for a holistic view of your sales operations.

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Mobile App

Access the power of field sales automation anywhere, anytime with our mobile app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Field sales agents go out of office to meet clients and close deals. Field Sales Management is the process by which you can monitor and manage the work done by the field force team. It is a way to ensure productivity and higher sales from the team members. Robust field sales management involves getting insights into the number of meetings conducted, their locations, and even monitoring meeting durations, and statuses.

Field Sales is crucial for any business that depends heavily on relationship building and repeat business. That’s why managing it efficiently is important for businesses across the globe. Through robust field sales management, a business can optimize the work of its field sales teams, and thereby boost its own sales. It enhances performance by providing field teams with access to all relevant customer data and other sales materials while they are on the field. They can manage and conduct their tasks and meetings on-the-go. Field sales management also allows a business to monitor its field forces effectively and get detailed and real-time insights about the performance of field sales agents.

Field Sales Tracking means the monitoring and tracking of all activities of your field sales teams. Right from the number and locations of the meeting they have scheduled, to the duration and status of every conducted meeting, field sales tracking allows businesses to stay on top of every aspect of the work of its field forces. This way, a business ensures that its field agents are working productively and identify the top-performing agents.

Clovecrm has robust features that are directed towards ensuring effective field sales management and tracking for your business. It helps your field agents stay organized while conducting numerous daily meetings and events. Clovecrm Field Sales CRM also enables you to keep track of your agent's locations with Geo check-in and check-out and optimize their bandwidth. It also helps your field teams access all relevant customer data and other sales materials while they are on the field. They can manage and conduct their tasks and meetings on-the-go and ensures improved salesforce productivity and efficiency. With Clovecrm, you can monitor your field forces effectively and get detailed and real-time insights about their performance. Clovecrm also positively impacts the overall sales performance of your field teams and boosts the profitability of businesses.

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